
Carriers Health

EUR 4.99

How ways of communicating you adopted as a child can limit your current way of communication and prevent you from expressing yourself fully and freely. Often resulting in physical complaints and misunderstandings.  

What e.g. tension in your throat or jaw, shallow breathing and coughing means. How to recognize that you’re repeating old patterns and are closing parts of yourself (and your energy) off. And which practical things you can do to retrain yourself and your responses.

It’s about feeling safe to express yourself and be vulnerable. Becoming more whole with your thoughts and feelings and more fully yourself.  

Two audios: 21 min. + 2 transcripts

EUR 4.99

How to interact with your physical, emotional, mental & your energetic body. Learn more and more about the reactivity of each one, the alignment between the four and the ability to influence one through the other.

What not to do when you want to protect yourself against disease. How to deal with disease from your soul’s perspective. How to return to balance, and underlying stressors that impact health.

Two audios: 12.50 min. + 2 transcripts