
Carriers audio FLOW

EUR 4.99

This message is about living your true soul’s dream and allowing your destiny to pull you forth as a magnet.

Also includes:

  • The path you set before you started this particular life.
  • What is free falling + what does it make possible?
  • Perfect alignment & unlimited magical abilities

Two audios: 12.30 min. + 2 transcripts

EUR 4.99

Alignment is one of the keys to manifest your dreams and desires. You’ll learn why it’s important to align yourself and the impact it has on many areas of your life—including your energetic body. What alignment means and how to recognize (dis)alignment. Includes a powerful tool to monitor and shift your alignment. When you’re aligned, you’ll know the best next step on your path, always.

Audio: 17.30 min. + 2 transcripts

EUR 4.99

This message is about no longer triggering the off button, how your body is uniquely suited for the experience you chose to have, and about course-correcting when you get off track.

Includes an energetic activation to dive into bliss—which is our most natural state.

Audio: 11.30 min. + transcript