Soul Facet Change Online Workshop
Audio-recording of approx. 2 hours.
Signs you need this workshop
- You are restless
- You know that you are changing but you are not sure why
- Your preferences shift. E.g. you crave food you normally don't eat, things you used to love don't excite you any more, you don't resonate as much with people you have known a long time
- You don't feel quite like yourself lately, like you are in no-man's land
- Things don't affect you like they used to do—in fact you could use a new manual for yourself
- You feel like you are at a crossroads
- You feel a sense of loss
This workshop helps you get clear on:
- What are you struggling with?
- What do you resist?
- What do you need to let go?
- What are you afraid to embrace?
We have a tendency to resist change. And especially when it comes to something so personal as part of our soul being exchanged for a new—less familiar—piece we can hit the brakes and unnecessarily prolong this process. Making it harder and more painful than it needs to be.
It is time to step up and stop resisting. This powerful workshop helps you get ready for the next phase of your life!
“I wanted to thank you for the workshop Soul Facet Change. Somehow I was deeply touched and the workshop came at the perfect time for me. I want to listen to it again because I have a feeling there is even more to discover and explore for me. Also it was a pleasure listening to you!” — Nicole
“This was a really pleasant workshop—something shifted at a very deep level. I’ve been able to release a part of myself in a safe and easeful way. It felt right. This piece was done and complete. To my surprise I was familiar with the new element I allowed in! I’ve seen it before and it felt so safe even though I hadn’t recognized it as part of me. I’ve embraced this new soul part with love and I’m curious what this will bring me.
I even noticed my breathing had changed and I was sitting differently. I sense a lot has been transformed and yet the world doesn’t feel upside down. This shift fits. Profound but subtle.” — Kirsten van Loon