
Book Blurb

Are you struggling with your energy level? Living from weekend to weekend? Unsure why you feel the moods, energies and actions of others so deeply? You may be a sensitive soul.

Being busy and tired is a disease of our time. Some people wear their exhaustion like a badge of honor. Today’s pressure for high-energy performance, all the time, has trained us to ignore our body’s signals. But it is not normal to be tired most of the time.

TRUTH: We must learn how to take good care of ourselves, because we have never been taught.

Using personal stories, tips, and insights, Radiant will teach you how to move from being drained to having plenty of energy, and each section ends with an invitation to help you put the insights into practice:

  • Learn to manage your energy and take back control.
  • Get back in touch with your body and what it’s been trying to tell you.
  • Set (and uphold) healthy boundaries.
  • Increase your productivity and creativity.
  • Enhance your overall well-being.

Find a happy, healthy balance and start loving your life!

Long Bio

Iris van Ooyen is the creator of the SWEET POWER™ approach to personal and career development, growth, and self-care designed for those who have big things to do in this world, but who often feel drained by the demand that show- ing up big requires.

Through her research, she’s identified four distinctive stages that sensitive souls experience in their growth process, and the core of her work lies in helping that particular audience determine where they are on the growth curve, and discover the right steps to move forward—and shine bright.

Iris is a firm believer in combining the inner and the outer, the spiritual and the practical.

Thanks to her intuitive abilities, she can go straight to the core of what is preventing you from being your healthy, radiant self, and by immediately applying healing energy you will make deep and lasting shifts on layers you can’t get to on your own.

An MBA with a background in corporate marketing, Iris com- bines her extensive business experience with her renowned razor- sharp intuitive insights in order to support those struggling in their career, business, or life and high performance as a whole. Her clients—including Olympic athletes, entrepreneurs, business managers and teams—praise her ability to quickly zero in on what is not working and facilitate energetic transformations that carry over into all aspects of life and work.

Iris-Headshot (002)

Author photo by Heidi Hapanowicz

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